In Kořenov and around there are roughly 60 km of modified cross-country skiing trails, which follow the other routes – one direction to Směda and Bedřichov and in the other direction to Krkonoše.
Around the Stars and around the White Rocks – a part of the project “Giant Mountains Cross-Country Skiing Paradise”: This system of treated routes consists of an external and an inner circuit. The outer circuit starts at Vystrkov (about 500m from the pub “Na Perličku”) and follows the route No. 10 from Vysoké nad Jizerou. It starts with a green arrow marked “Around the Star 10km” and continues with tables with the same inscription and reading the km back to the starting point before Vystrkov – Bosna 9km crossroad (at the junction of Bosna there is a crossing above the ski lifts of the Paseka area, here is it is necessary to pay extra caution due to the crash with the skiers, in the section Vystrkov – Bosnia about 0.7km the trail is mostly damaged, but since it is a slight downhill, it does not matter altogether) – crossing Havírna 8.5km (connection with the route no. 11) – Arrow Link to Circuits No. 6 and No.7 – Straight Direction Arrow 6km – Directional Arrow Without Mapping Km – Direction Arrow Crossroad u Prospects – Straight Directional Arrow 2.5km – Root Center Directional Arrow 2km (Here Turning Right so we are 200m in the center of Kořenov, from where the routes to Jizerka and Jizerská magistrála are stretched, so it is a node for the next interconnected projects “Giant – cross-country skiing paradise” and “Jizera Trail”) – Chalet Star directional arrow equals 1 km – crossroads before the forester’s lodge blown straight directional arrow 0.5 km – and we’re back under sticking out.
The second route no. 6 is marked in this locality from the intersection in front of the Burned Haven about 500m from the beginning of the route No.7 in the direction of Star). The route is marked by the name “around the White Rocks” and it is the connection with route No.7 on Hvězda length is 6 km. Again, the kilometers are read on the rudders. Crossroads in front of the Burned Haven directional arrow 6km – arrow arrow 5km, here is also the directional arrow of route no. 6 and no. 7 – directional arrow 4.5km – directional arrow 2.5km – junction near Tetřevi bouda directional arrow Star 2km – direction arrow Star 0.5 – star connection with route no.7.
The routes marked with green signs are part of the marked routes of the project “Giant Mountains – Ski Jumping Paradise”. In the area around Hvězda and around the White Rocks, there are also red wooden tables of the 3, 5 and 7 km local hiking trails starting at the intersection of the Hvězda restaurant.